Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ethical Dilemm Supply Chain Management - 1433 Words

Ethical Dilemma: Supply Chain Management Living in America we do not realize what other people are suffering and going through. In this case there are young girls suffer from the probabilities of being prone to steal, begging, being in the streets and prostitution. In my opinion, many of us living in the states judge those who do not live our same lifestyle. However, we do not realize how the conditions and circumstances these people are living in. In this case, these young girls are the main providers for their families and working is the only way to keep them away from poverty. Therefore, if I were a buyer of a major retail discount store selling economy-priced goods my ultimate goal would be to make a high margin. I am experiencing price competition and I seek an opportunity to import from a low-wage region in Asia without realizing the conditions in Asia. Having a well-known celebrity endorse the product can raise polemic and people are being more aware of all conditions. Therefore, knowing exactly where and how the pro duct is being made is key and can really prevent unethical practices. How can the ethical dilemma be addressed from a Christian worldview (i.e., what guidance from a Biblical perspective could be applied to understand and possibly resolve the ethical dilemma)? From a biblical perspective and as a Cristian I would never like to sign a deal internationally if I am not aware of what is really happening. However, in this case I am faced to a situation where

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Association Against a Womans Right to Vote

At the end of the nineteenth century, Massachusetts was one of the most populous states and was from the beginning of the woman suffrage movement a center of activity for pro-suffrage activism.  In the 1880s, activists opposed to women voting organized, and formed the Massachusetts Association Opposed to the Further Extension of Suffrage to Women.  This was the beginning of the fight against a womans right to vote. From State Groups to a National Association The National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage (NAOWS) evolved from many state anti-suffrage organizations.  In 1911, they met at a convention in New York and created this national organization to be active on both a state and federal level. Arthur (Josephine) Dodge was the first president and is often considered the founder.  (Dodge had formerly worked to establish day care centers for working mothers.) The organization was heavily funded by brewers and distillers (who assumed that if women got the vote, temperance laws would be passed). The organization was also supported by Southern politicians, nervous that African American women would also get the vote, and by big-city machine politicians. Both men and women belonged to and were active in the  National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage. State chapters grew and expanded.  In Georgia, a state chapter was founded in 1895 and in three months had 10 branches and 2,000 members. Rebecca Latimer Felton was among those who spoke against suffrage in the state legislature, resulting in the defeat of a suffrage resolution by five to two.  In 1922, two years after the woman suffrage amendment to the Constitution was ratified, Rebecca Latimer Felton became the first woman Senator in the United States Congress, appointed briefly as a courtesy appointment. After the Nineteenth Amendment In 1918, the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage moved to Washington, DC, in order to focus on opposition to the national suffrage amendment. The organization disbanded after the Nineteenth Amendment, given women an equal right to vote, passed in 1920. Despite the victory for women, the NAOWS official newspaper,  Woman Patriot (formerly known as Womans Protest), continued into the 1920s, taking positions against womens rights. Various NAOWS Arguments Against Woman Sufferage Arguments used against the vote for women included: Women didnt want to vote.The public sphere was not the right place for women.Women voting wouldnt add anything of value since it would simply double the number of voters but not substantively change the outcome of elections — so adding women to the voting roles would waste time, energy and money, without result.Women didnt have time to vote or engage in politics.Women didnt have the mental aptitude to form informed political opinions.Women would be even more susceptible to pressure from emotional please.Women voting would overturn the proper power relationship between men and women.Women voting would corrupt women by their involvement in politics.States where women had already gained the vote had shown no increase in morality in politics.Women had an influence on the vote through raising their sons to vote.Women gaining the vote in the South would put more pressure on states to permit African American women to vote, and might lead to demolishing such rules as literacy tests, p roperty qualifications, and poll taxes which kept most African American men from voting. Pamphlet Against Woman Suffrage An early pamphlet listed these reasons to oppose woman suffrage: BECAUSE 90% of the women either do not want it, or do not care.BECAUSE it means competition of women with men instead of co-operation.BECAUSE 80% of the women eligible to vote are married and can only double or annul their husbands votes.BECAUSE it can be of no benefit commensurate with the additional expense involved.BECAUSE in some States more voting women than voting men will place the Government under petticoat rule.BECAUSE it is unwise to risk the good we already have for the evil which may occur. The pamphlet also advised women on housekeeping tips and cleaning methods, and included the advice that  you do not need a ballot to clean out your sink spout and good cooking lessens alcoholic craving quicker than a vote. In a satirical response to these sentiments, Alice Duer Miller wrote Our Own Twelve Anti-suffragist Reasons (circa 1915).

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Notes of the state of virginia Free Essays

Text 8 essay: Notes of the state of Virginia Thomas Jefferson University of Chicago press, 1784 When is no education ever good? There is less corruption in the U. S because of Lower levels of education which are often caused by poverty are seen as a factor which encourages corrupt government practices. With less amounts of education people are not informed as to how the government works or what rights they have under the government. We will write a custom essay sample on Notes of the state of virginia or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is easier for corrupt office-holders to conceal corrupt activities from a poorly educated public. Uneducated citizens are less likely to be aware of corruption in local governments or how to stop it, and therefore, corruption is able to remain and spread. Without some kind of political awareness, citizens will not know which candidates to elect that are honest or dishonest or other ways to prevent corruption from taking place in their local governments. This often leads municipalities to be continually governed by one or more corrupt local officials who use patronage or nepotistic practices to stay in office or keep influence in the government for long periods of time. When local political leaders are less educated, they will be less likely to find legitimate ways to make the municipality well-structured, productive, and successful. In his Notes, Jefferson recounted many of the policies he had initiated while at work in the Virginia Assembly during the late 1770s. Jefferson was vociferous in his claim for the primacy of agrarian interests against infringing manufacturing developments. To this end, he argued that whereas the farmer was truly healthy, all other occupations were at heart unsound. go to school anymore. Also in the notes it say This bill proposes to lay off every county into small districts of five or six miles square, called hundreds, and in each of them to establish a school for teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. The tutor to be supported by the hundred, and every person in it entitled to send their children three years gratis, and as much longer as they please, paying for it. These schools to be under a visitor, who is annually to chuse the boy, of best genius in the school, of those whose parents are too poor to give them further education, and to send him forward to one of the grammar schools, f which twenty are proposed to be erected in different parts of the country, for teaching Greek, Latin, geography, and the higher branches of numerical arithmetic. Of the boys thus sent in any one year, trial is to be made at the grammar schools one or two years, and the best genius of the whole selected, and continued six years, and the residue dismissed. By this means twenty of the best geniusses will be raked from the rubbish annually, and be instructed, at the public expence, so far as the grammar schools go. At the end of six years instruction, one half are to be discontinued (from mong whom the grammar schools will probably be supplied with future masters); and the other half, who are to be chosen for the superiority of their parts and disposition, are to be sent and continued three years in the study ot such sciences as they shall chuse† I think they should choose more than one leaving it unfair for everyone else. The quote above mean that after they pick one child out of every district the rest of the children’s education is discarded and the chosen ones go to a nicer school and get a nicer education and How to cite Notes of the state of virginia, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Day Laborer free essay sample

A Day In A Life of A Day Laborer When there is a large enough need for something in the United States, it will be met, even if meeting that need meaner allowing certain groups to easily enter the country to do the work that needs to be done; to do the work that perhaps no one else may be willing to do. Today, some perceive these groups as a necessity, but also as targets. Although day laborers have existed in California for a very long time, it wasnt until the late sasss and early sasss, with a rise in day laborers, that they have become an issue and a focus in politics when looking at the effects upon our . An Overview and Historical Perspective of Day Laborers * Definition economy. Of Day Laborers Before looking at the different perspectives of day laborers, we can get further insight by first examining the definition of this type of worker. According to the Los Angels Relations Committee; Day Laborer Hiring Sites, a day laborer is a person, (usually men) who offer themselves to be hired as labor for a day, or some other temporary basis. The term also refers to skilled or unskilled workers. Day laborers refer to people, usually men, who gather on sidewalks, parking lots, near building supply tortes, or wherever they can be visible to potential employers, waiting to get hired for short-term Jobs, whether it be cleaning a yard, moving heavy furniture, putting on a new roof, or painting a room. (Lactating) A. The national survey indicates that the overwhelming numbers of day laborers are Latino men. UCLA Professor Narrow researched and found that more than half (59 percent) of day laborers were born in Mexico. (Probationary) Because most day laborers come from Mexico, they travel north to find work in the United States, entering either legally or illegally. These controversial immigrant laborers are then found on corners selling fruit and cold water; they can be found mowing our lawns, and digging our trenches as we construct our homes and skyscrapers. They are looked upon as an example of an underground economy, penetrating neighborhoods all around us. Since most people perceive day laborers as undocumented workers, politicians have often become involved due to frequent community complaints from residents, businesses, and law enforcement. Politically, immigration has been a wedge issue and often divides Laotians, making immigrants an easy target as a topic of debate and political campaigning. B. Day laborers are more than willing to take on those Jobs that Americans dont want; the popular ones being agriculture, landscaping, and household help. Americans do not realize that they are saving us so much money. By them taking on those menial Jobs for instance, picking fruit they earn low-wages, thus we do not pay a lot for that fruit in the grocery stores. Illegal immigrants are the driving force behind the economys growth with all the goods and services produced in the United States. The Economists View website states, [E]economists concede that [some] native-born Americans may be hurt by competition from illegal immigrants who are willing to work cheaply. But any harm, they say, is outweighed by the benefits to the overall economy. Restaurant prices are pushed down by illegal labor in the kitchen, fruit and vegetable prices by illegal field hands, new-home apparent, such as the rise in property values by homeowners. Their homes or apartments may be poorly maintained, but at least the numbers have a profound effect especially in a state that never has enough housing; including the hundreds of husbands of units rented to immigrant families putting the upward pressure on prices. Either way, immigrants are paid much lower than the average American worker and can be dependent on showing up to work every day and on time. Whether illegal or legal, immigrants and their families are Just trying to earn a little money in order to gain a better and healthier life. Some families that come from another country into the U. S. Came with absolutely nothing. Most immigrants are not looking for a free handout; they Just want to be able to live a little bit happier, without being afraid. Most American people do not realize that the problem in the U. S. Is not the immigrants fault, but rather the Government and their lack of not doing anything to solve the problem. Its less complicated to take the easy way out by not facing up to their own irresponsibility, but rather to point the finger at other people or groups that are an easy target. What happens here is a long way from subsidiary. Jobs that are out sourced to the day laborer, even down to the very worker on the street corner, can still be considered a support to the U. S. Economy. * The History of Day Laborers A. In examining, the origins of these harsh, dirty, and dehumidifying Jobs, we are given a more in depth look at the realities of why day laborers are in existence today. One example is the Government developed program, known widely as The Bracers Program, which ultimately became a law stating the following, The most popular use of the term bracers (from the Spanish braze, which translates as arm) applies to the temporary agricultural and railroad workers brought into the United States as an emergency measure to meet the labor shortage of World War II. The Bracers Program, also referred to as the Mexican Farm Labor Supply Program and the Mexican Labor Agreement, was sanctioned by Congress through Public Law 45 of 1943. (substitute) This program set the platform for significant legal and illegal migration from Mexico to the United States, thus resulting in making immigrants one of the most targeted groups in government today. B. In 2004, the UCLA Center for the Study of Urban Poverty released a survey that revealed on any given day (in the United States), approximately 117,600 workers are either looking for work as day laborers or are working as day la borers. Latino immigrants make up the majority of the day labor population. Ninety-eight percent are male. Fifty-nine percent of the day laborers are born in Mexico; twenty percent are born in Central America; and seven percent are born in the United States. Seventy-five percent of the day labor workforce is made up of undocumented immigrants, and eleven percent of those illegal immigrants have an application pending for a change in their immigration status(litigation). It also is possible that day laborers who are able to make the transition out of this labor market do so by holding multiple Jobs before leaving the day-labor market entirely. For others, the more typical pattern may be to move in and out of standard employment arrangements in the mainstream economy and in and out of the day-labor market. More than half of day laborers (57 percent) have held a permanent Job in the United sector. For these workers, day labor may offer a source of income while they search for another permanent Job elsewhere in the local economy. II. Social Economic Factors * Family Support Indeed, being targeted has made it much harder to cope with the vast obstacles just to survive and support a family. A. In exploring some reasons why immigrants are being targeted, we are forced to look at economic recession as one of the most prominent factors. However, these reasons are at times, Just a way for the government to play the blame game. In recent times, the United States has been quick to blame and point fingers at immigrants during times of economic fallout. In his research, UCLA Professor Narrow states that, according to findings in the National Day Labor Survey of 2004 the day laborer occupies an unusual position in the U. S. Economy. It is disconnected from the mainstream economy given the rampant violations of employment and workplace safety laws that are found in this labor market. (Probationary) As an example, day laborers, who usually get paid in cash, end money to their home country. As a result of this, money earned here is being used in the country is being sent to, helping the circumstance of their economic status, boosting the levels of opportunities for those citizens. B. Furthermore, illegal immigrants who are paid in cash are frequently not paid or underpaid for their work. As a result, their income ranges widely from $341 to $1,069 per month during the year. Moreover day laborers do not pay income taxes, hence, creating the issue of lost tax revenue for the state in which they are living. This will result in significant economic loss over time. In a recent Arizona newspaper article, The Federation for American Immigration Reform, a Washington D. C. Group, promoting immigration reform, estimated this month that illegal immigration costs federal and local tax payers $100 billion a year after the estimated $13 billion in taxes immigrants pay. (sharpen) Costs include, law and border enforcement, education, welfare assistance, and health care. It also is possible that day laborers who are able to make the transition out of this labor market do so by holding multiple Jobs before leaving the day-labor market entirely. For others, the more typical pattern may be to eve in and out of standard employment arrangements in the mainstream economy and in and out of t he day-labor market. More than half of day laborers (57 percent) have held a permanent Job in the United States, mainly in the construction industry, restaurants and the manufacturing sector. For these workers, day labor may offer a source of income while they search for another permanent Job elsewhere in the local economy. ( scent. UCLA. Due) * No Health Care Moreover, viewpoints on the issue health care in relation to immigrants are perceived as yet another major contributor to the economic downfall. When it comes to health care, illegal immigrants are pin pointed as taking advantage of our health care system, entering the United States illegally thus, having children who are U. S. Citizens. With this status, children become eligible for a health insurance program provided by the state, which is called CHIP (State Childrens Health Insurance Program). Most immigrant adults, either legal or illegal, lack health insurance due to fact that the occupations they work tend to not provide insurance by their employers. Labor workforce. Day laborers experience and are aware of the high risk of injuries in he workplace, but the critical need for employment is more important to them. The economic pressures noted above make day laborers reluctant to leave a Job, even if it is objectively hazardous. Injured workers feel that they must continue to work despite their injuries. One participant laying carpet was hurrying because he was paid by the yard and sliced his palm with a blade. Finding a nearby rag, he wrapped his hand as tightly as possible to stop the bleeding, hide the injury, and protect the carpet. He resumed working immediately because he believed he would be dismissed if his employer saw the wound. (NIH. Ova) Work-related injuries can be severe, to the point where an extended period of time out of work is necessary. Barriers to accessing public health prevention services are due to their immigrant legal status, and subsequent fear of deportation by immigration officials. B. Despite being injured, many day laborers will continue to work because of their desire need for employment. For instance, laborers will continue to work in spite of conditions that include, working under hazardous conditions (including exposure to chemicals, mold, asbestos and toxic pollutants), not having the proper safety equipment, protective ear, and no safety training within the workplace, and the use of defective equipment (including tools, and construction equipment). Despite the hazards of the work, day laborers are rarely trained. They appear to be a flexible resource for employers, used on a short-term basis with little to no ongoing commitment. Language barriers also limit training. Day laborers are often physically unprepared. A 35-year-old piano teacher recalled operating a Jackhammer 10 hours a day during his fi rst week in the United States. In retrospect, he laughed at his softness and aching bones. Such lack f conditioning and training may predispose to work Very the employer accounts few of these injuries for due to the fear of reprimand. Ill. Struggles and Challenges * Taking Jobs away While the economy is the biggest focus, there are many more reasons why day laborers are being targeted. People are blaming day laborers, illegal immigrants, for taking Jobs away from the natives. In 2007, the LA Times published an article about black Americans and Latino immigrants competing for Jobs on the streets in Atlanta. A. The LA Times article stated In the deep south, like the rest of the nation, undocumented Latino have come to dominate many of the corners and parking lots where day laborers gather. For example, very recently an anti-solicitation ordinance was passed in Costa Mesa, California, which prohibits people from standing on a sidewalk or other public areas and soliciting employment, business, contribution in a way that attracts the attention of moving vehicles. The violation will be subject to a fine of $1,000 and will have to spend up to six months in Jail. But this region is different because of the high percentage of Americans who still compete with Latino immigrants for such Jobs. Although U. S. Born workers make up 7% of the day-labor pool nationwide, they account for nearly 20% in the South. (lattices) Black laborers have mixed feelings about Latino competitors due to frustration, anger, and the support for them where others feel sorry for the Latino. For example, an anonymous interviewer from the LA Times article stated, They pick up the majority of the work, supported the crackdown on illegal immigration, he stated, Thats a hard thing to say, you say that youre on a racial-type mind set. All Im looking for is equal opportunity. (lattices) B. The Job distribution system is controversial issue. Most centers try to construct a system with the greatest potential for keeping the workers in the center and off the street. Workers do not know from one minute to another if they will be called next. The controversial facet is that the list and there is no possibility of getting work that day. First come, first serve systems that are used successfully by a number of day labor centers. It is straightforward and does not require a lot of coordination. Skilled workers, all centers treat requests for skilled workers differently than those for mineral labor. If an employer requests a house painter, most centers clarify whether the employer prefers a general laborer (at a lower rate) or a skilled worker (usually at a higher rate of pay). Customer choice, In the case of centers that serve a racially diverse group of workers, employers may show a preference for one group over another, which can create resentments and stronger divisions among the workers. Some centers say they try to balance these considerations by encouraging employers to go by the lottery, while allowing choice if they insist. * Identifying High Risk A. Moreover, another issue to be addressed is that immigrants are being taken advantage of in a variety of a ways; being paid poorly or not being paid at all, employer abuse (including being denied food/water and breaks), being assaulted, insulted, and unfairly harassed. This attitude and behavior are acts done by merchants, law enforcement, communities, and even state and government officials. A New York Times article states, The report Joins a growing body of research into the lives of day laborers, widely regarded as among the most economically vulnerable workers. Many are illegal immigrants, are frequently subjected to workplace abuses and rarely seek recourse from law enforcement officials or the courts, either because they are ignorant of their rights or they fear deportation. (anytime) B. In fact, day laborers are being blamed for the drugs on the street, drinking, public urination, littering, increase in crime, blocking driveways or parking lot areas, traffic hazards, trespassing, lowering property value, unsightliness, intimidation of customer/ reduction in business and, sexual harassment. All these examples are based on perceptions, not always reality. The reasons for day laborers being targeted seem intractable, more often, because of misconceptions and assumptions. To correct these misconceptions and assumption, education and understanding the realities and truth of day laborers in needed. As we have seen, there are many reasons why day laborers have been a target during this time of economic crisis, but in taking a closer look, we may also find that there are many benefits of a day laborer as well. People assume that day laborers are costing our country money, when in reality it is only a tiny fraction that we spend on illegal immigrants. Day laborers are mostly paid in cash, saving the employer money from paying taxes on that day laborer. Once paid, they obviously have to live, meaning they have to eat; they need a place to stay. Therefore, they are putting their hard earned money back into our economy by paying taxes when shopping in stores, and eating at a variety of restaurants. If they Arizona Central mentions, Most day laborers fall below the minimum, so even if they were trying to fairly report their wages, they probably wouldnt have any tax due. (sharpen) IV. Response/Reactions of Community Resources * Day Laborer Day Centers To help solve most of the issues mentioned above, the Day Labor Hiring Centers have been created and are found throughout the United States. A. These sites are organized and are a gathering site for day laborers. These sites can have organizers that are willing to help negotiate agreements between the laborers and the employer, which include property owners, home owners, local government, and law enforcement. The City of Los Angels has a safety program for day laborers, which allows them to safely congregate to seek casual labor work and be matched with employers seeking temporary workers. The programs purpose is to reduce the number of day laborers who gather in various corners within the community, instead having them gather at fixed sites located in select areas of the City. The program also provides supervision of the site and community outreach. It does not interfere in the employment transaction between the day laborer and employer. There are no fees to either party to utilize the programs services. Some of the cities that offer this program include: Harbor City, North Hollywood, West Los Angels, Cypress Park, and Glendale. One example of an established site in Glendale, California includes the allowing: Average of day laborers range from 70 weekdays and 90 Friday-Sunday, Ethnic and Gender composition is around 95% Latino including many Indigenous Guatemalan. Twenty six women on average participate per month, Budget the project operating cost are estimated to be $50,000 per year, Source of Funding, is through private foundation grants, municipal assistance and from donations, and Staffing usually two full-time staff. B. It is also to help with support to the day laborer; helping them address concerns, network with the community, and educating people on the misconceptions and lies about day laborers. The bottom line the is that Day Laborer Hiring Centers offer resolutions to negativity and non-accepting views of day laborers, who are Just looking to earn some money by working hard in some of the most dangerous, and hostile environments. They are vulnerable and are ultimately forced to accept any Job. Day laborers should not be taken advantage of. They are Just as human as we are, therefore deserving of the same chances as the American people. This is not an invitation to say come all at once. If too many people arrive too fast, they cannot be emerged into the economy easily and we will have problems. But with reasonable economic rates, along with a mix of skills, there will be no need to fear immigration bringing negative consequences. Instead, there are plenty good reasons to believe the effects will be positive and less stressful. The in- kind activities and services are based by availability, and can include English as a Second Language classes, legal counseling, HIVE awareness, medical examinations, alcohol, drugs and sexual diseases counseling and referrals. Day laborers are encouraged to volunteer and participate in various community activities, including community clean up and city involvement. In conclusion, strategies to help day laborers are trying to do, and the benefits they bring to the United States. More than two decades ago, Mexican and Central American Immigrants, because of their economic and social linkages to US society, imagine themselves to be part of the community, but the larger society continued to see them as outsiders, and thus they continued to remain marginal members of the society.